Approveit’s Vendor management automation

Consolidate all your vendor details in one place, simplify vendor onboarding, and enable easy access to the vendor list for all members of your procurement team.

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Among our customers

Forget manual entry of vendor details with vendor self-onboarding

Let vendors enter their own details into the system using our vendor self-onboarding workflow! Once you approve them, POs and bills for this vendor can be created

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all-in-one solution for all your subcontractors

Vendor management automation makes for cost-efficient business

Contract management

  • Card List CheckmarkMake sure your vendor contracts are valid and signed
  • Card List CheckmarkLet vendors access their contracts with you effortlessly
  • Card List CheckmarkNegotiate new contract terms before the old one expires

Vendor onboarding

  • Card List CheckmarkVendor self-onboarding workflow makes entering a vew vendor into the system a breeze
  • Card List CheckmarkSend POs and receive bills only from fully approved vendors
  • Card List CheckmarkVendors can verify and edit their payment details themselves

Bill and PO processing

  • Card List CheckmarkCreate POs and link them to bills from your vendors autometically
  • Card List CheckmarkSkip tedious steps of manually adding new bills to your system after getting it via email
  • Card List CheckmarkAutomatically send POs to vendors upon approval

Flawless collaboration workflows for your procurement team

Purchase orders made easy!

When creating purchase orders, your team won’t have to manually enter vendor data – they just select a vendor from the dropdown list and all details get automatically filled in

Vendors added to Approveit are safe to work with

Your company only works with reliable vendors who have been fully approved by management

Automatic invoice processing

Invoices can be simply sent to Approveit’s email address, and automatically become approval requests. Upon approval, they are logged in the system and synced with accounting software

Sync your vendor list in Approveit with your accounting software

Integrate Approveit with your accounting software to access all existing vendors without having to manually transfer them to Approveit


Transform your approach to vendor management


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