AI reporting by Approveit
Gain free access to the beta of the new AI tool to automate data collection and create reports within minutes

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Save time on reporting and utilize it for what really matters
AI will find the necessary data in your systems, analyze it, and generate the required report in minutes based on your request. Being an Approveit user is optional
No manual data collecting and matching
All you need is to type your inquiry into the chatbot interface. AI will provide you with an error-free report in the appropriate format, complete with graphics and tables if needed

Don’t miss out on anything
You choose which sources AI can access for specific reports — such as financial or marketing. AI will have a helicopter view of the data across these sources and effortlessly find the information you require
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Spend minutes on reports, not days
Preparing the report will take just a few minutes. With that time freed up, you can dive into more substantial tasks that require creativity and inventiveness of human mind

Join the waitlist and be the first to try the AI reporting tool
Developed by Approveit, business process management software valued by customers