Approveit Guide: Approveit Guide: Purchase Orders XERO & Approveit

Setting up the XERO Purchase Order workflow: 

1. To add a new XERO account:

Settings ➠ Integration ➠ XERO ➠ New connection

To add a new XERO organization within one account:

Settings ➠ Integration ➠ XERO ➠ Add organization

2. Workflows ➠ Purchase Order Approval

Form Section  XERO Purchase Order

3. In the Approvers Section you can switch on conditional rules (set additional approvers if the Purchase Order amount exceeds the specified threshold)

4. When a new request is created a requestor has to choose the XERO account and organization

When filling the PO, all accounting data will come from your XERO account

If you need to add a supplier or product/service, you should do that in your XERO account. Categories and taxes are also set up in XERO

Once user sends the request for approval (‘SUBMIT’ button), the PO will appear in your XERO account with the status ‘AWAITING APPROVAL’  

5. If the PO approval request is approved, the PO will go from ‘AWAITING APPROVAL’ section to APPROVED section in your XERO account. 

If the PO approval request is rejected, the PO will be deleted from ‘AWAITING FOR APPROVAL’ section in your XERO account. 

In request details you can also see the link to the PO in XERO

If you have any additional questions, contact us right away. If you are new to Approveit, try it now for free!
